[Podcast] "Autour de la question" par Chantal Lorho pour RFI - How artificial intelligence is revolutionizing scientific research ?

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  • https://www.rfi.fr/fr/podcasts/autour-de-la-question/20230612-comment-l-intelligence-artificielle-est-elle-en-train-de-r%C3%A9volutionner-la-recherche-scientifique
13 Jun 2023
Chantal Lorho

Data, deep learning, 3D imaging, conversational robots: all words synonymous with Artificial Intelligence, now at the heart of our daily lives: smartphones, connected objects, transport, industry, agriculture, marketing, security, military, space, medicine... The fields of application are countless... AI is everywhere, and the March release of Chat GPT, a robot capable of holding a conversation, writing an essay, penning a poem or imitating a singer, continues to generate incredible media and public interest...

So how far will AI, which both fascinates and worries us, change our lives? How is scientific research benefiting from this technological revolution? How can medicine, in particular, benefit? Is there a risk that artificial intelligence will one day replace doctors or surgeons? How can medical confidentiality be combined with data sharing? Should we fear aberrations and manipulation? How can we regulate artificial intelligence without slowing down research?


  • Isabelle Ryl, Director of PRAIRIE Institute, Professor at Université of Lille 
  • Jean-Emmanuel Bibault, oncologist, for his book 2041 Odyssée de la médecine published by Éditions des Équateurs
  • François Goulette, Professor, Deputy Director of the Computer Science and Systems Engineering Unit, ENSTA Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris - Associate Researcher at Mines Paris - PSL and Member of the Operating Committee of Hi! Paris. He was involved in a joint project between École des Mines and ENS to use 3D imaging with AI for archaeological applications.