
The AI4IDF DIM is directed by a steering committee and supported by a board of directors as well as a scientific council composed of international academic experts to ensure the excellence and transparency of the project.

Committee of direction

The operational management of the DIM is ensured throughout the life of the project by a management committee that brings together the heads of the four supporting institutes.



Coordinator of DIM AI4IDF


Chloé Clavel is a research director at INRIA Paris. Her research focuses on human-human and human-agent interactions, and in particular on neural models for analyzing and generating socio-emotional behaviors in interactions. She is interested in approaches for making these models more transparent and controllable. Her research focuses on applications in healthcare and education, with the aim of empowering people and improving their quality of life. His research is financed by various funding instruments, including the European H2020 Innovative Training Network (ITN) project ANIMATAS (human-machine interaction for education), and the French national project (ANR) - SINNet (Socio-inspired Neural Networks).



DIM AI4IDF Project Manager


Gérard BIAU

Gérard BIAU

Professor at Sorbonne Université

Director of SCAI

Gérard Biau is a Full Professor at the Probability, Statistics and Modelling Laboratory (LPSM) of Sorbonne University.

His research is mainly focused in developing new methodologies and rigorous mathematical theories in statistical learning and AI, whilst trying to find connections between statistics and algorithms. He is currently the Director of SCAI.

Frédéric CHAZAL

Frédéric CHAZAL

Director of Research at Inria Saclay - Ile-de-France

Director of the DATAIA Paris-Saclay Institute

Frédéric Chazal is Director of Research at Inria Saclay - Ile-de-France and Director of the DATAIA Paris-Saclay Institute.

After a PhD in pure mathematics, he focused his research on computational geometry and topology. Today, he leads the DataShape team (Inria Saclay - Ile-de-France) which works on topological data analysis (TDA), a recent and rapidly growing field at the crossroads of mathematics, statistics, machine learning and computer science.

Frédéric's contributions to this field range from fundamental mathematics to algorithmic and applied problems. He has published more than 80 papers for major computer science conferences and mathematics journals. He is co-author of 2 reference books and 3 patents. He is also associate editor of 4 international journals: Discrete and Computational Geometry (Springer), SIAM Journal on Imaging Science, Graphical Models (Elsevier), Journal of Applied and Computational Topology (Springer).

Isabelle RYL

Isabelle RYL

Director of PRAIRIE Institute

Isabelle Ryl is a teacher and director of Prairie (PaRis Artificial Intelligence Research InstitutE), which is run by Inria. She is an expert in innovation issues, particularly artificial intelligence. A Knight of the National Order of Merit, she has spent more than 12 years of her career at Inria, in various capacities.

Since 2018, she has directed one of the Interdisciplinary Institutes for Artificial Intelligence labeled as part of the national strategy for artificial intelligence. The institute brings together public organizations including the CNRS and the Pasteur Institute, as well as industrial and technological groups (Google, Facebook, Valeo, Faurecia...).



Lecturer & researcher at Télécom Paris

Co-Scientific Director of Hi! Paris

A specialist in audio signal processing at the LTCI, Gaël Richard has been a lecturer and researcher at Télécom Paris since 2001 and is the co-sicentific director of Hi! Paris, a multidisciplinary center devoted to artificial intelligence and data.

More specifically, his research work is at the heart of digital technology and is dedicated to the analysis, transformation, understanding and interpretation of sound signals (speech, music, environmental sounds, etc.) and to a lesser extent multimedia signals. In speech processing, he works on the development of models for the analysis and representation of signals, in order, for example, to improve the quality or intelligibility in noisy environments.

In addition to this management committee, the IMG will rely on two main bodies: the scientific council and the board of directors.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the main governance body of AI4IDF. It brings together members from the project and external members to enrich its vision and relevance.

Its composition is as follows:

  • Chloé CLAVEL
    Coordinator of DIM AI4IDF
  • Isabelle RYL
    Project coordinator and representative of the PRAIRIE Institute
  • Gérard BIAU
    SCAI Representative
  • Frédéric CHAZAL
    DATAIA Representative
  • Gaël RICHARD
    Representing Hi! PARIS
  • Soufiane CARCAILLET
    Representing the IDF region
  • Juliette MATTIOLI
    Representing the Systematic cluster
  • Jennyfer LECOMPTE
    Representing the Cap' Digital cluster

Scientific board

The SC ensures DIM's excellence in the targeted research areas, thematic diversity across the spectrum of basic research and disruptive technologies and the transparency of the selection and validation processes.

The SC is composed of internationally recognized academic figures from outside the four partner institutes. Its composition is as follows:

  • Kathryn HESS
    International scientific personality
  • Julia KEMPÉ
    International scientific personality
  • Christian GAGNÉ
    International scientific personality
  • Stéphane CANU
    International scientific personality and president of the Scientific Committee
  • Constance GRISONI
    Group Strategy Director
  • Lucas FISHER
  • Patrick PEREZ

Each year, a "COMSEL" selection committee will be set up on the proposal of the Scientific Council, and validated by the Board of Directors. This Selection Committee will be set up each year to prepare the work of the Scientific Council, and in particular to select the winners of the various calls.