AddressHEC Paris Campus, Jouy-en-Josas
Hi! PARIS is pleased to announce its summer school on July 3-6, 2023.
The Hi! PARIS Summer School 2023 on AI & Data for Science, Business and Society covers a wide range of topics in the domain of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from different perspectives. These courses should be of interest to Master and PhD students, post docs, academics, and practitioners interested in expanding their knowledge of AI and DS.
The Hi! PARIS Summer School will be held on HEC Paris Campus, Jouy-en-Josas. A certificate of attendance will be delivered to all the participants.
Application is now open! Please apply on https://www.summerschool.hi-paris.fr/registration/
Once the application is approved, you will get a link to pay the registration fees.
For this 3rd edition, Hi! PARIS proposes :
4 keynote speakers
Confirmed: Alessandro Acquisti (CMU), Eric Moulines (Ecole Polytechnique), Bryan Perozzi (Stonybrook & Google), Sameer B. Srivastava (Berkeley),
1 Academic Round Table with participation of our keynote speakers
1 Industry panel with participation of the Hi! PARIS corporate donors
12 tutorials (3h long) organized in 2 parallel tracks. Track A “Data Science for Business and Society” and Track B “Theory and methods of IA”
Already confirmed speakers: [Track A] Mitali Banerjee (HEC), Pablo Baquero (HEC), Johan Hombert (HEC), Jermain C. Kaminiski (Maastricht), Poonacha Medappa (Tilburg), Aluna Wang (HEC) ; [Track B] Chloé Clavel (Telecom Paris), Pietro Gori (Telecom Paris), Patrick Loiseau (Inria/ENSTA), Vicky Kalogeiton (Ecole polytechnique), Jesse Read (Ecole polytechnique), Gaël Varoquaux (Inria Saclay)
1 practical research tips session by the Hi! PARIS Engineering Team on Python packaging
1 poster session and poster award
1 social event at HEC Paris le Château
Details and updated program will be made available on https://www.summerschool.hi-paris.fr/
Hi! PARIS is the new Center on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Science, Business and Society created by Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) and HEC Paris and recently joined by Inria Saclay.