AddressSCAI, Bâtiment Esclangon, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005, Paris
Journey into AI - Research and Ethics
Under the umbrella of Sorbonne University (SU), The MSCA COFUND SOUND.AI Program aims to foster excellence in training, mobility and career development for doctoral students in one of the most dynamic AI communities in the world.
From 2023, the SOUND.AI project will implement a highly selective programme open to 30 internationally recruited PhD students. It draws on the scientific and strategic policy of Sorbonne University and its partners to actively develop fundamental and applied projects in three key interdisciplinary areas: Changing societies, languages and cultures; A global approach to health; Resources for a sustainable planet.
15/1/24: Program Introduction
9h-12h30: welcome session and SOUND.AI programme description (please note, this session is only open to SOUND.AI fellowship holders and their thesis supervisors)
12h30: lunch
14h00: Life as a reseacher
16h00: Foundations of modern NN
16/1/24: Foundations of Modern AI
9h30: Foundations of Modern AI session
12h30: lunch
14h00: AI applications for climate
17/1/24: AI, Ethics and Epistemology
9h00: Conducting experimental research with human participants
11h00: title to come
13h00: lunch
14h00: Session on scientific integrity
16h00: Difference between ethics, regulation, norms, standards and deontology
17h00: conference (tbc, more details to come)
18/1/24: Modern AI for resilient societies
9h30: Workshop on Medicine and AI
12h30: lunch
14h00: Digital humanities
19/1/24: Human Right and Speech processing
9h30: AI & Human Rights - by women at the Table
13h00: lunch
14h00: Audio signal processing and text to speech
17h00: short visit of the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Registration link (30 places available)